What we do

The Sleep Charity, incorporating The Sleep Council, provide advice and support to empower the nation to sleep better. We campaign to improve sleep support and access to high quality information, raise awareness of the value of a good night’s sleep and promote understanding around the complexities of sleep. We want everyone to share our vision that sleep is a vital component of health and wellbeing and that everyone living with sleep issues should have access to effective, consistent, evidence-based support.
Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing yet it is estimated that 40% of the population suffer with sleep issues and many do not get the support that they need.
We aim to:
- Provide access to high quality information and advice to deal with most sleep issues
- To ensure everyone understands the value of a good night’s sleep
- To campaign for improvements to the support available
- Make a positive difference to the lives of those we work with by campaigning for improvement to the support available
- Provide accredited training for professionals so they can offer sleep support to the people they work with
Our Impact…
Here are some highlights of how our work has been making a difference:
Research study found children gained an additional 2.4 hours sleep per night in Sheffield project.
Improvements seen in over 80% of clinic cases using our behavioural approach intervention
500 Sleep Practitioners trained over the past 8 years
Our History…
Children and Young People’s Sleep Manifesto
Shaun the Sheep
CEO, Vicki Beevers, is announced as one of the 21 driven and ambitious Pilotlighters to join the Pilotlight charity via its Ignite Initiative.
Launch of our new lottery funded ‘Sleep Talkers’ wellbeing scheme providing early intervention support around sleep in the heart of communities.
Deputy CEO, Lisa Artis, wins Trailblazer in Workplace Wellbeing Award on the back of the charity’s work in the workplace around sleep.
The charity celebrates 10 years of helping people to sleep better, lead a more stress-free life and understand the complexities of sleep and its importance for health and wellbeing.
Dreams do come true! Our National Sleep Helpline goes live, thanks to support from Furniture Village. A much needed resource for those struggling to sleep.
In the midst of the cost of living crisis, we launch our ‘Sleep Poverty’ project in South Yorkshire as part of a three month pilot programme, to highlight that everyone should have the basics to get good sleep.
The Charter for Sleep Equality is re-launched in the House of Commons, to tackle fatigue and sleep deprivation in the workplace. Organisations are encouraged to pledge their support.
Helen Michaels joins the Board of Trustees as Chair, as the charity moves into its next phase of development.
Launch of the children’s sleep eBook to support parents and carers who have a child/children that struggle to sleep. The eBook is downloaded more than 5,000 times in two months.
Our Mission is to Empower People to Sleep Better
Objects, Mission and Values
Promoting the importance of sleep for mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
Our Theory of Change
Our mission is to empower the nation sleep better.
Impact Report
Our latest impact report sharing the highlights of our work transforming the lives of those experiencing sleep issues.
Annual Report
Progress we’ve made over the last financial year against our aims and objectives.

We joined forces with not for profit organisation, The Sleep Council, as part of an ambitious five-year plan and a mission to empower the nation to sleep better. For 25 years, The Sleep Council has been sharing the secrets of restorative rest – what to do, what not to do and where to get more help – in the national newspapers, on radio and TV and with its various campaigns.
Our services are now complemented by The Sleep Council’s practical consumer information and advice so that we can now offer everyone a place to turn to for advice, support and help around sleep.
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