FREE webinars for professionals, working with children and young people with sleep difficulties, in the Doncaster area
Book a place on one, or more, of our 60 minute webinars by clicking the links below.
19th July 10am
Understanding Children & Young People’s sleep for healthcare professionals across health, social, education and voluntary sector
19th July 1.30pm
Evidence-based sleep intervention for children with SEND
19th July 3pm
Supporting children in the primary school years
10th September 10am
Understanding Children & Young People’s sleep for healthcare professionals across health, social, education and voluntary sector
10th September 11.30am
Supporting children in Early Years
11th October 10am
Sleep information for foster carers and LAC professionals
11th October 1.30pm
Understanding Children & Young People’s sleep for healthcare professionals across health, social, education and voluntary sector