News & Blog

Expressions of Interest for Evaluation

Jul 9, 2021

The Sleep Charity is a small, national charity on a mission to improve the nation’s sleep.  The organisation has secured funding from the National Lottery Community Foundation for a two-year period, to develop a new project, ‘Sleep Talkers’.

The Charity aims to improve the wellbeing and health of 3,750 beneficiaries and 1,250 Sleep Talker volunteers by providing sleep intervention in the form of trained sleep champions operating in community settings. The work will focus on empowering volunteers with sleep information to reach the most vulnerable members of society.

The following groups are likely to be prioritised for Sleep Talker training: – families of children with disabilities, disadvantaged Black and Minority Ethnic families and older people experiencing sleep problems.

We are now seeking expressions of interest from organisations to evaluate the project, for further information please email