
Young people are at particular risk of developing sleep issues.
And there are lots of reasons why they can’t sleep. Some of them they can’t help such as changes happening in the brain that make them want to go to sleep later and others they can monitor such as their social media usage and homework schedule.
The proliferation of mobile phones and tablets means teenagers feel like they need to be in touch all the time – and have the fear of missing out – but they also need to understand that ‘switching off’ and indulging in quiet time is really important and actually quite normal.
Our Sleep Champion training is designed for professionals working in secondary schools exploring reasons for sleep issues and suggesting practical strategies. If sleep is high on your PSHCE curriculum you may want to consider a member of staff (or two!) undertaking our more advanced three-day Sleep Practitioner training.
You can also access our free resources below that can be used in and around school, for wellbeing days and on noticeboards. You may also want to direct your students to our Teen Sleep Hub which is a hive of information around sleep aimed at teens (not their parents).
Find out more
If you would be interested in bespoke training for either Early Years, Primary or Secondary school settings then please get in touch.
Teen Sleep Advice Sheet (Digtial)
Teen Sleep Advice Sheet (Print)
Teen Sleep eBook
Anxiety Poster
Delayed Sleep Phase Poster
Routine Poster
Tech Use Poster
Time Poster
Bedtime Story Poster