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Is Christmas Bad For Your Sleep?

Dec 16, 2022

With parties, rich food and booze galore, the Christmas and New Year period is often rife with late nights, large meals and lots of rushing around, all of which can negatively impact our sleep.

Our usual routines are also altered around Christmas, with many working different hours and children on school holiday.

To combat this, it’s not about cutting out the fun things, but more about being mindful of what we put in our bodies and ensuring that we have a good wind down period before bedtime. A warm, milky drink and some calming activities, such as reading or yoga, area fantastic way to get ready for bed and ensure you’re well rested for a fun-filled Christmas!

We thought we’d share our top tips for battling the negative impacts that Christmas can have on our sleep and how to get some top quality shut eye this holiday season.

  1. Avoid alcohol or caffeine right before bed – while you may be partial to a festive tipple at this time of year, try and minimise your caffeine or alcohol intake right before bed. These substances can hinder our ability to get good night’s sleep or even get to sleep in the first place. Opt for a glass of milk or a chamomile instead.
  2. Bring on the cheese – the good news is, you don’t need to resist the cheese boards this Christmas! Dairy products contain tryptophan which helps us to nod off more easily, so despite the popular myth, cheese is actually good for your sleep.
  3. Plan your meals smarter – Going to bed full after a large meal can disrupt your sleep. Try and leave a sufficient gap between your evening meal and going to bed. If you’re looking for a snack, opt for almonds, cherries or a banana, all of which aid good sleep.
  4. Schedule in some ‘me time’ – while it can be easy to get swept up the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, winter markets and pantomimes, be sure to schedule in some time to relax. A calming bath or an hour cuddled up with a good book before bed will help you to wind down and drift off.
  5. Reduce the light – while your neighbours may be partial to their Christmas lights this season, try and avoid any unwanted brightness in your room at night-time. Dark environments help with melatonin production which helps us sleep, so consider a blackout blind. If you don’t have one, try hanging a towel up to block out as much light as you can.