News & Blog

Staying Up Late

Jul 9, 2021

Whether you’re a football fan or not, England reaching the Finals of the Euros is massive achievement – and most of us will be staying up late to watch, kids as well!

And if we win, there’s going to be lots of celebrations and excitement which means you won’t want to go to sleep straight away.

While we normally don’t advocate staying up past your bedtime, even we can make an exception, it’s 55 years since we reached a major football final and it’s a really exciting experience for everyone.

A word of warning though, staying up later than normal can leave us feeling tired and grumpier the next day. We might not feel on top form either so don’t plan anything too arduous on Monday morning.

With kick off at 8pm, it’s going to be way past most children’s bedtimes. Be more patient with them the next day – you might find you see a few more tears, irritability or even hyperactivity. Let’s hope schools plan some more relaxing, calming activities on Monday rather than complicated Maths!

Best thing to do Monday morning is stick to your normal wake up time, open those curtains, take a shower and balance it out by going to bed slightly earlier the next night.

PS. It’s Coming Home!