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Festivals and Sleep: Top Tips

Jun 19, 2023

With Glastonbury fast approaching, festival season is officially starting!
Which means many of you are set for a few nights sleeping under the stars. While the music, entertainment and experiences bring much joy, it can also lead to a lack of sleep. This is part and parcel of attending a festival but there are some things you can do to encourage sleep so that you don’t feel too exhausted the next day/ or when you return home.
  1. Choose a camping space that’s a good distance from the main events area – this will reduce noise and possibly be a quieter spot from other revellers
  2. Take earplugs and an eye mask to keep noise and light at bay
  3. Make your sleep space comfortable – take your pillow from home for extra comfort
  4. Keep your sleep environment tidy
  5. Avoid sugary foods/drinks during the day
  6. Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated
  7. Avoid too much alcohol/caffeine on the run up to bed
  8. Festivals are great for encouraging walking – get your steps in to tire you out
  9. Try to get some extra sleep before a weekend of partying, it may help your body be slightly more resilient to any sleep deprivation
  10. Enjoy