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Sleep issues affect approximately 40% of the population in the UK and research clearly demonstrates that if we do not get adequate sleep our physical and mental health can be adversely affected. We are on a mission to raise awareness, improve sleep support nationally and ensure that health professionals are trained appropriately.
Our vision is to raise the profile of sleep as a major factor for health and wellbeing and to ensure that sleep becomes a key issue on the Public Health Agenda.
Dreaming of Change: A Manifesto for Sleep
The UK is in the midst of a sleep crisis that’s having a profound and escalating impact on our health, the economy and society as a whole. We’re calling for the Government to develop a National Sleep Strategy to tackle the problem.
The Sleep Charter
Campaigning to tackle the impact of sleep deprivation on health and safety in the workplace and working together to bring about coordinated action to improve sleep. Pledging support is a voluntary committed to the growing issues of fatigue.
Previous Campaigns
The Wake Up Call Sleep Manifesto 2020
Our sleep manifesto set out to provide the nation with a ‘wake up call’ and to urge the government to recognise and act upon the importance of sleep as part of a healthy balance lifestyle.
Children & Young People’s Sleep Manifesto 2018
This manifesto called for better quality sleep support, freely available, for children, young people and their families to help them to lead more fulfilling and healthier lives.